Ben's Cardiff All Stars

Created by Karen Morgan 10th May 2012 This event has closed


Ben is leading a team to run the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday October 14th 2012. Many have never run anything like this before and it will be a true challenge. If anyone is interested in joining the team, please contact Ben Morgan.


During the run!! still smiling

Ladies before the race

Before the race

Team photo

Completion of half marathon

22nd October 2012
Well we all completed the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday the 14th October. There were 17 runners and the first finished in 1.52 and the last 2.41. Everyone was so pleased to cross that finish line, it was a long build up and many of us just wanted to 'get it done'. There were many sore limbs for the following few days, but it all settled down pretty quickly, and some went out running again before the week was out!!! We can only say thank you for the tremendous donations we have received and many are still coming in. We must remember this was all about Katie, and remembering her was the whole aim for us as a family. We all ran with her picture on our back, and I truly hope it made every one think about her.